
CTPC requested by citizens

As from 28 June 2021 citizens can obtain themselves a corona test prescription code (CTPC). This CTPC can be used to undergo a PCR test based on a sample collection at a sample collection center or a lab.

The test based on a CTPC that a citizen has applied for himself must be paid by him. However, every Belgian resident from 6 years of age, who has not yet had the chance to be fully vaccinated, will be eligible for 2 free PCR tests that can be carried out on the basis of a CTPC requested by him.

The process to obtain a CTPC for oneself is described in this chart.

A CTPC for a free PCR test can be obtained twice if the following conditions are met

  1. the person to be tested is 6 years or older and
  2. has his main residence in Belgium according to the information in the National Register and
  3. has not already obtained a CTPC for a free test twice and
  4. is in one of the following cases at the time of the request for a CTPC for a free test
    • the person has not yet been invited for vaccination and not yet been (partially) vaccinated
    • the person has been invited for vaccination no longer than 35 days ago (less than 42 days ago if the person has been invited between June 10 and June 16)
    • the person has received a first of two required doses within 35 days after the invitation (within 42 days after the invitation if the person has been invited between June 10 and June 16) and no longer than
      • 98 or 70 days ago for AstraZeneca, depending on whether the first dose was given before May 26 or May 26 onwards (105 days ago if the person has been invited between April 22 and April 28 or 77 days ago if the person has been invited on May 26)
      • 49 days ago for Moderna (56 days ago if the person has been invited between June 10 and June 16)
      • 49 or 35 days ago for Pfizer, depending on whether the first dose was given before July 30 or July 30 onwards (56 days ago if the person has been invited between June 10 and June 16)
    • the person has received a dose of Johnson & Johnson within 35 days after the invitation (within 42 days after the invitation if the person has been invited between June 10 and June 16) and less than 28 days ago.

The extension of the time periods indicated in orange has been decided due to the fact that people may have encountered difficulties in getting vaccinated between July 15 and July 21 due to the floods.

A CTPC for a free PCR test is valid for a 10 days period. A CTPC for a paid test is valid for a 30 days period.